Bios. Interviews. Talks. Quotes.


{50 Words}

Born in Nigeria, Inua Ellams is an award winning poet, playwright & curator. Identity, Displacement & Destiny are reoccurring themes in his work in which he mixes the old with the new, traditional with the contemporary. His books are published by Flipped Eye, Akashic, Nine Arches, Penned In The Margins & Bloomsbury.

{100 Words}

Born in Nigeria, Inua Ellams is a poet, playwright & performer, graphic artist & designer and founder of: The Midnight Run (an arts-filled, night-time, urban walking experience.), The Rhythm and Poetry Party (The R.A.P Party) which celebrates poetry & hip hop, and Poetry + Film / Hack (P+F/H) which celebrates Poetry and Film. Identity, Displacement & Destiny are reoccurring themes in his work, where he tries to mix the old with the new: traditional African oral storytelling with contemporary poetics, paint with pixel, texture with vector. His books are published by Flipped Eye, Akashic, Nine Arches, Penned In The Margins & Bloomsbury.

 {250 Words}

Born in Nigeria, Inua Ellams is a poet, playwright, performer, graphic artist and designer. He is a Complete Works poet alumni, and facilitates accessible, enjoyable creative writing for participants of all ages and backgrounds. 

His awards include: Edinburgh Fringe First Award 2009, The Liberty Human Rights Award, The Live Canon International Poetry Prize, The Kent & Sussex Poetry Competition, Magma Poetry Competition, Winchester Poetry Prize, A Black British Theatre Award, The Hay Festival Medal for Poetry, Dora awards for Outstanding Ensemble Performance & Production, and The Alfred Fagon Award 2024.

He has been commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company, National Theatre, Tate Modern, Louis Vuitton, BBC Radio & Television. His poetry books include ‘Candy Coated Unicorn and Converse All Stars’ published Flipped Eye, 'The Wire-Headed Heathen' by Akashic Books, The Half God of Rainfall by 4th Estate and ‘The Actual’ by Penned in The Margins. His plays include ‘Black T-shirt Collection’ (Fuel, China Plate, Warwick Arts Centre) ‘The 14th Tale’ (Fuel, Battersea Arts Centre), ‘Barber Shop Chronicles’ (National Theatre, Oxford Playhouse, Bristol Old Vic, BAM, A.R.T, Kennedy Center, The Grand Theatre), ‘Three Sisters’ (National Theatre, Soul Pepper, Obsidian Theatre), ‘The Half God Of Rainfall’ (Fuel, Kiln, New York Theatre Workshop). He founded The Midnight Run (an arts-filled, night-time, urban walking experience), The Rhythm and Poetry Party (R.A.P - to celebrate literature & music) Poetry + Film / Hack (P+F/H - to celebrate Poetry & Film) Anonyms (to celebrate etymology), Redacted (to celebrate blackout poetry), and 05Fest (a festival to unite them all).


14 / 09 / 2023 / Podcast / The Amplify Project

30 / 04 / 2022 / Radio / This Cultural Life

03 / 04 / 2021 / Podcast / Something Burrowed

04 / 03 / 2021 / Podcast / Planet Poetry

16 / 09 / 2020 / Podcast / The Secret Life Of Writers

10 / 07 / 2019 / Podcast / Distraction Pieces

Toasts & Jams with Alex Session

With Jon Devo

With Salty brine

With Wayne Holloway-Smith.

 With Iman Amrani, for The Guardian.

Interview for Swipe Slow.

Interview with the British Council on BTSC.


Honorary Doctorate Acceptance Speech. 2023

TEDx Brixton. 2015.

TEDx Hackney Talk on The Midnight Run. 2013.

TEDx Euston. 2013. Inua Ellams was born in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria in 1984. He works as a poet, playwright, performer and graphic designer/artist. He has seven books published including 'Thirteen Fairy Negro Tales' (Poetry, Flipped Eye, 2005) 'The 14th Tale' (Play, Flipped Eye, 2009) - which was commissioned by the Battersea Arts Centre and awarded a Fringe First at the Edinburgh Festival, before a sold out run at The National Theatre in London.


The most talented artists hone in on micro-interactions and derive concepts from seemingly mundane occurrences – in the best cases, they use these to make larger social critiques. Ellams certainly demonstrates this ability.
— Culture Calendar on 'An Evening With An Immigrant'

His words are incredible... The poems are just stunning.
— Everything Theatre on 'An Evening With An Immigrant'.

Ellams is a charismatic and engaging performer of his own work. His poems are vivid, picture-rich, hip hop-inflected and alliterative, the words warm as bread.
— The Stage on 'An Evening With An Immigrant'

Ellams’s writing is exceptional, and has a character and an incredible ability to paint vivid pictures for an audience. His words are full of love, nostalgia and strength. He transports us.
— A Younger Theatre on 'An Evening With An Immigrant'.

He tells his story with passion and rich, warm humour.
— The Guardian on 'An Evening With An Immigrant'

Ellams has an instinctive feel for the polyphonous rhythms of dialogue, and the way his characters use language is both a texture and a theme of this play.
— The Telegraph on 'Barber Shop Chronicles'

Exuberant, Invigorating... and richly enjoyable drama.
— The Guardian on 'Barber Shop Chronicles'.

Rich and exhilarating... The tone of the play shifts fluidly from comedy to poignancy to rage.
— The Stage on 'Barber Shop Chronicles'

An ambitious piece and so life-affirmingly realised. Go.
— Independent on 'Barber Shop Chronicles'

This wonderful new play is a revelation.
— The Times on 'Barber Shop Chronicles'

#Afterhours takes both the wellbeing and the understanding of the reader as a matter of central importance, let literary kudos fall where it may, a radical gesture in a scene that still equates self-protective emotional insensitivity, irony or literary ‘seriousness’ with a mastery of craft.
— Dave Coates on '#Afterhours'

His writing is aromatic. He can capture the smell of a place, the sense of a moment, as well as anyone.
— Whatsonstage on 'Black T-shirt Collection'

...dazzling, densely woven hybrids of music, rhythm and narrative, in which Ellams channels his love for image and metaphor into longer, more sustained stories.
— Metro Newspaper on 'Black T-shirt Collection'

A tinglingly resonant celebration of the art of solo performance.
— Evening Standard on 'Black T-shirt Collection'.

You sink into his storytelling, which paints vivid mental images and, thanks to minimal yet eloquent sound, a real sense of location. Ellams has an easy, laid-back charisma and pares poetic flair for narrative with admirable restraint. The wordsmith remains present, though, and his sentences, with their sophisticated flavour and texture combinations, can be something of a Michelin-starred mouthful.
— Time Out on 'The 14th Tale'.

Ellams’ poetry gleams with a dusty, worn, deeply original beauty and he remains such wonderfully generous company to keep on stage.
— Metro on 'The 14th Tale.'

There’s something uniquely 21st Century about Ellams’ voice which somehow absorbs the whole experience of colonialism without being totally defined by it.
— The Scotsman on 'The 14th Tale'.
