1. The origin for the word ‘gossip’ was ‘god’ +’ sibb’, referring to a godparent or family friend…
2. …It evolved to mean female friends chatting, particularly during childbirth…
3. … conversations would drift to talking about others… and became ‘gossip’. (Thanks Hanan)
4. Giraffe can run at 65 mph.
5. Alfred Kinsey, who invented the Kinsey sexuality scale, also studied fruit flies.
6. Duck feathers are hydrophobic.
7. Loki, Shiva, Vishnu, Tiresias, Hermaphroditus, Atum, Hapi, Mahu, Ishatar, Lan Cahie - are Gender fluid characters that have been around for centuries. CENTURIES.
8. Accelerating anything to the speed of light would require an infinite amount of energy.
9. In 2023, Novo, the company that makes Ozempic, become the richest company in Europe, with a market cap of $424 billion.
10. In a single month – Oct 2023 – Israel dropped 25,000 tons of bombs on Gaza, equivalent to burning 150,000 tonnes of coal.