To celebrate Thanks Giving Day on the 25th of November this year, I stayed up for 24 hours and every 15 mins tweeted something I was thankful for. See list below. #1. I have a warm bed I just woke up from. Most of the world do not. #thankstweetingday. #thanksgivingday

#2. My father is aggressively proud of me, and I write poems for a living. #thankstweetingday. #thanksgivingday

#3. Torch lights. They are modern day light sabers (the force is with me) #creepingtothekitchen #thankstweetingday. #thanksgivingday

#4 I'm thankful that people do the things that I'm not brave enough to: / #ThanksTweetingGivingday

#5 I'm thankful for kungfu films. Jackie Chan for life! #ThanksTweetingGivingday

#6 I’m thankful for wifi, the interplay between my mac and miPhone is incestuously good. #ThanksTweetingGivingday

#7 #thankful that I am not an American. #controversial #thankstweetingday

#8 #thankful that there are always signposts to tell me i’m on the right path #thankstweetingday

#9 #thankful that there’s so much documented history to learn from. #thankstweetingday

#10 #thankful that things like this still happen: #thankstweetingday

#11 #thankful that rap music is so duplicitous, it shows life and vibrancy. #Tpainisstillcrap #thankstweetingday

#12 #thankful for auto tune! Otherwise, rappers would not be brave enough to show their soft sides. #thankstweetingday

#13 #thankful that the planet spins! imagine having sunlight all the time... #childofthenight #thankstweetingday

#14 #thankful that because of youtube, 1000 people have heard my poem today. Thanks Ben: #thankstweetingday

#15 #thankful for apple juice. MMmmmmm #thankstweetingday

#16 #thankful for mature cheddar. MMmmm #thankstweetingday

#17 #thankful for Bob Geldof, despite the BS, his heart was in the right place. #thankstweetingday

#18 #thankful for Neil Gaiman’s novel ‘Anansi Boys’ it grounded my wild narrative thoughts. #thankstweetingday

#19 #I have lived where it is none existent, I am thankful for electricity. #thankstweetingday

#20 #thankful to the NHS for looking after my dad. America, don’t know what you are missing. #thankstweetingday

#21 #thankful for the men in pants who allow boys to dream. #superheroforlife #thankstweetingday

#22 #thankful to D’angelo. I have found myself in your albums many times over. #thankstweetingday

#23 #thankful that I was taught to build a catapult out of pen caps and elastic bands. #poetryweapons #thankstweetingday

#24 #thankful for all 5 elements: #thankstweetingday

#25 #thankful: wind #thankstweetingday

#26 #thankful: fire #thankstweetingday

#27 #thankful: earth #thankstweetingday

#28 #thankful: water #thankstweetingday

#29 #thankful: and the one that unites ‘em all: Thought! #thankstweetingday

#30 #thankful to Terry Pratchett and QBert for teaching me about the last tweet. #thankstweetingday

#31 #thankful that heard melodies are sweet, unheard sweeter still. #thankstweetingday

#32 #thankful for Councillor Troy, I became a man watching you on Star Trek. #thankstweetingday

#33 #thankful to the two Ms, I am because you were. #thankstweetingday

#34 #thankful that somethings are still free. #thankstweetingday

#35 #thankful I was not born in victorian times. #thankstweetingday

#36 #thankful that Kanye told Bush what time it was. #thankstweetingday

#37 #thankful that Salman Rushdie did not back down. #thankstweetingday

#38 #thankful for tea leaves, cocoabutta and the colour blue. #thankstweetingday

#39 #thankful for my mother’s sharp tongue. It is relentless with the truth. #thankstweetingday

#40 #thankful for those who carry bullets so I don’t have to. #thankstweetingday

#41 #thankful for lights and shadows, but the in-between is what counts. #thankstweetingday

#42 #thankful for *Soul Glow. I have built friendships with you. #thankstweetingday

#43 #thankful to Steve Biko, my cost is far far less, but I too write what I like. #thankstweetingday

#44 #thankful for Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car. I once sat in a park and cried listening to that. #thankstweetingday

#45 #thankful for Nolloywood. Stories are predominantly wack, but you are pushing Nigeria to new heights! #thankstweetingday

#46 #thankful to Jodie Foster, your movie First Contact changed me. #thankstweetingday

#47 #thankful to my twin sis from kicking me outta the womb first, been taking leaps of faith since! #thankstweetingday

#48 #thankful to my lil sis for standing up to me that day in Dublin. #thankstweetingday

#49 #thankful to my big sis for not busting my head all those times we fought, 5 yrs is no joke! #thankstweetingday

#50 #thankful to my lady, for showing me who I was already, and who I can be. #thankstweetingday

#51 #thankful to Mr Achebe and William Butler Yeats. Things do fall apart. #thankstweetingday

#52 #thankful to L.Hill. Your Miseducation changed music. #comeback #thankstweetingday

#53 #thankful for Gravity, we would look like upturned eggs with legs otherwise. #thankstweetingday

#54 #thankful to Occam’s razor. I use you to end arguments. #thankstweetingday

#55 #thankful for cold clean running water, I have lived where it is in short supply. #thankstweetingday

#56 #thankful for Luke Cage, essentially an AfricanAmerican Colossus. #superheroesagain #thankstweetingday

#57 #thankful for Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello & Leonardo. Aged 6, I wore a cardboard box & was a mutant turtle too. #thankstweetingday

#58 #thankful to Steve Urkel. I was you growing up, I WAS YOU. Watch: #thankstweetingday #fb

#59 #thankful to Voltron Force. ( You taught me team work. #tvaintallbad #thankstweetingday

#60 #thankful to the Paul Robeson for paving the way. #thankstweetingday

#61 #thankful that the UN, Red Cross and MSF exist. #thankstweetingday

#62 #thankful to the Irish, they began my love of hip hop. #thankstweetingday

#63 #thankful to my editor for always going beyond the call of duty. #Ghanianareokaysometimes #thankstweetingday

#64 #thankful for the Yes Men. Google them! #thankstweetingday

#65 #thankful for Marvin Gaye, it is amazing but sad that ‘What’s going on’ is still a relevant song. #thankstweetingday

#66 #thankful for Fela Kuti - he who walks with death in his pouch! #thankstweetingday

#67 #thankful that my english teacher thought I was worth bullying to do homework. #thankstweetingday

#68 #thankful for pidgin english, de language fine sha e no be smol ting at all at all, no shaking! #thankstweetingday

#69 #thankful for the students protesting, please be level headed and do not rise to your provocateurs #thankstweetingday

#70 #thankful for The transport system in London. Have lived where the equivalent is ridiculous. #thankstweetingday

#71 #thankful for these at bus stops! Suspense is overated. #thankstweetingday

#72 #thankful for all the chicken shops in South London! #morelysbrixton #thankstweetingday

#73 #thankful for all that the Marleys have sung and chanted. #thankstweetingday

#74 Thankful for the Welsh gentleman in front of me on the phone who just exclaimed 'Peckham IS nice!' #iliveinnunhead #thankstweetingday

#75 #thankful Hulk Hogan body slammed Yokozuna back in old wrestling days. Thought after that, anything was possible... #thankstweetingday

#76 #thankful for the tall French one - though he thinks he is English. #thankstweetingday

#77 #thankful for GREGGS and NANDOS! #yeahisaidit #thankstweetingday

#78 #thankful for Waterloo and Southbank. Fave place in London. #thankstweetingday

#79 #thankful for Christmas, yes tis commercial etc, but it brings people... #fact #thankstweetingday

#80 #thankful that my job tonight is to write about couples kissing in Covent Garden. Far worse things to do. #thankstweetingday

#81 #thankful for the kindness of strangers; it is always there. #thankstweetingday

#83 #thankful that I waltzed through the hospital club. No questions asked. #connections #thankstweetingday

#83 #thankful that I waltzed through the hospital club. No questions asked. #connections #thankstweetingday

#84 #thankful that I am among the Onetaste crew again. Good great people. #thankstweetingday

#85 #thankful that I am not a celebrity. WayneGate is still alive. #thankstweetingday

#86 #thankful for guitar and the naked raw voice. Nothing more soulful, nothing more stripped and powerful #thankstweetingday

#87 #thankful for Daniel. #thankstweetingday

#88 #thankful that poetry is not and will never be cool. #thankstweetingday

#89 #thankful for Magners Irish Cider, I don't drink much, but love apples... Mmmmmmmm #thankstweetingday

#90 #thankful for choirs and choir claps. Gonna O.D. this Christmas. #Thankstweetingday

#91 #thankful that Christmas carols have such beautiful melodies. #thankstweetingday

#91 #thankful for Guernica by Pablo Picasso, Groundbreaking, that all works of art be so powerful... #thankstweetingday

#92 #thankful for Guerilla Gardeners. Saints, all of you. #thankstweetingday

#93 #thankful that the world never halts in its capacity to amaze and bewilder. #thankstweetingday

#94 #thankful for all the variations of Tea, from Early Grey to mint, lemon and honey, herbal etc... Thaswassup! #thankstweetingday

#95 #thankful that something like Twitter actually exists and is free to use!! #thankstweetingday

#96 #thankful and finally thanks for following and reading my list guys! I'm off to sleep. Good night! #thankstweetingdayDONE!
